Nutrition For Pregnancy

Welcome to
Nourish Lifestyle!
Here you will find valuable information about creating a well- nourished environment for you and your growing baby. We believe in holistic nutrition and self- love through all stages of pregnancy (before, during and after). Through science- based testing combined with our holistic practices, we help support women in navigating successful pregnancies and reaching their personal health goals.
Our Services
We understand the value of supporting mothers throughout their entire pregnancy journey. We promote healthy diet, environment, exercise and lifestyle choices to ensure healthy babies and flourishing, well-supported mothers.

Individual Consultations

Group Workshops & Presentations

Online Classes
Why is Nutrition for Pregnancy so Important?
Studies show that the foods you eat before, during, and after your pregnancy can change the way genes express themselves in your body, as well as in your baby’s.
What you eat and don’t eat during all stages of pregnancy will have an immense impact on your baby’s development, health at birth, and later in life.

Why science-based testing?
Our goal is to ensure your diet & lifestyle habits are working for your body and baby. We use the latest technology of Metabolic Blood Test Analysis where we use your laboratory blood tests to analyze and understand which nutrients you are lacking or need to be balanced. This customized report helps us to create your best diet and lifestyle for your specific body.
Nourish Lifestyle Program is right for you if you want to:
• Avoid pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, low birth weight baby, premature birth, and other pregnancy-related health issues.
• Learn which high-quality nutrients your body needs to conceive naturally and foster a healthy baby.
• Maintain a healthy weight throughout your pregnancy.
• Learn if your supplements are working for you.
• Incorporate healthy eating in your life not only while you’re pregnant but for years ahead.
• Learn which diets help produce nutrient-rich breastmilk.
• Lose your pregnancy weight and feel good in your body again.
• Want to be a happy and well-balanced mom.
Visit Us
656 N. Robertson Blvd.
West Hollywood, CA 90069
Call Us
(424) 244.1186